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Stuart Colman wechselt zu Maxifier

20. September 2012

Der Technologieanbieter Maxifier stellt einen neuen Managing Director ein. Der Neuzugang heißt Stuart Colman und kommt von Audience Science. Dort war er Managing Director Europe, sowie Vice President, und baute das UK Team von Audience Science von zwei auf 25 Personen aus. Colman soll das europäische Geschäft von Maxifier leiten und ausbauen.

Denise Colella, Chief Revenue Officer bei Maxifier, zu Stuarts Einstellung: “Stuart is a stalwart of the industry and a recognised leader. He has a strong track record of building European teams and businesses both at the FT and AudienceScience, and we are delighted to have him onboard to help do the same at Maxifier. We have very ambitious plans to grow our European business and Stuart is the person who can deliver to these”.

Colman selbst: “Maxifier has a great opportunity to make a big difference in our industry, helping publishers and media owners really make the most of their inventory assets. I’m committed to unlocking the potential of digital advertising to bring value to clients, and I hope that with my experience at publisher, network and technology company level, I can make a difference. I’m looking forward to being part of Maxifier’s growth and development.”

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